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Young Diplomats Forum (YDF)

The Young Diplomats Forum (YDF), an intensive week-long program that is purposefully designed to empower and equip aspiring diplomats with the relevant skills, competencies and mindsets necessary to navigate the complex, interconnected world of international relations. Throughout the program, participants engage in a diverse array of activities meticulously crafted to enhance their diplomatic aptitude. Through engaging keynote addresses, insightful panel discussions, and interactive workshops, participants develop crucial negotiation, communication, and crisis management skills, shaping them into potential contributors to the international diplomatic landscape.

YDF offers the perfect opportunity for aspiring diplomats to explore themes like digital diplomacy, climate cooperation, and cross-cultural communication, fostering a broader global outlook. The program’s emphasis on cultural exchanges enriches participants’ understanding, aligning with IRSK’s mission of nurturing capable and culturally astute future diplomatic leaders.

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